Learning All the Things
“So, What Are You Eating?”
Food, Real Life

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine who reads my blog (thanks, Jermal!!) suggested that I post more about day-to-day things, and then this past Monday, one of my CFN box-mates asked me what I’ve been eating, and then I got a new, awesome delivery of veggies…. and thus, the stars aligned for this particular musing on….

What Am I Eating?

Aside from when I was really small and my mom had to hide my veggies inside small marble sized bites of mashed potatoes, as far back as I can remember I’ve always eaten a lot of veggies.

However, I’ve also always eaten a ton of processed, white, starchy foods, without thinking much of them at all.

Suffice it to say that I’ve always been called a “good” eater by my my family, but I’ve never honestly given much thought to what I was eating… Then I decided to get more serious about my health and training. I’ve honestly learned SO much in the past few months that I don’t even know where to begin, but I’ll try and sum up the major lessons in three “pro-tips”, or at least, as “pro” as I can provide, given that I’m still learning…

1. Fresh Veggies. DO. IT.

Allow me to dispel all of your arguments about fresh veggies before they even come out of your mouth. Ready? Here you go:

They’re really not that scary. They’re DELICIOUS. Don’t have time or are worried that you’ll buy fresh and they’ll spoil? Flash frozen veggies are a *great* substitute! (I asked my nutritionist, she agrees, promise!) Don’t know what’s in season? That’s ok! If you go to the Farmer’s market, the prices will basically TELL you what is currently delicious. Trust me. If you have a local veggie delivery service, try it! (I do the Harvest Basket with CSA and I’ve tried SO many different veggies and it’s also forced me to EAT more of them because I’m like HEY I PAID FOR THIS, I HAVE TO EAT IT!! It’s like Jewish mom guilt, but with veggies and in my own head. I kind of love it.)

Done. Now go get some rabbit-food and ENJOY IT.

2. Cut Down on the Junk


Admission: I was in Wisconsin last week and I brought back cheese curds and proceeded to make poutine as quickly as possible (If you don’t know what poutine is, lmgtfy…). I am NOT the epitome of a paleo princess. HOWEVER, I do strongly believe in the value of cutting out junk food from your diet. Junk food includes processed ANYTHING. Like BREAD and WHITE RICE. I’ve also eliminated pretty much everything fried from my diet, and I try to stay away from chips and soda and whatnot. I’m not saying I NEVER have any of that, but I make a conscious decision to snack on things that are at least a little healthier. To help with that, I’ve signed up for NatureBox, which I’m sort of addicted to. Having snacks that won’t make me feel guilty after I have them helps me get through the day and not feel like crap when I’m at derby or crossfit or even just *gasp* relaxing.

3. Cooking (Protein) Isn’t That Hard

I’ve always been able to cook basic things, but in the past year, I’ve really tried to broaden what I make for myself. Aside from the fact that I’m trying to be healthier, I also moved into my own place with a full kitchen, so I have had a whole (new) world opened up to me as far as what I’m able to make. Now, how can I say that cooking, and specifically cooking protein isn’t that hard? Well… Let me give you some insight into my typical schedule: I rarely get home before 8:30pm, and I typically haven’t had dinner yet, and I’m ALSO likely coming from a workout of some sort. What does that mean? I’m DISGUSTING and also… STARVING. I have thus perfected the art of cooking dinner with fresh food, and usually fresh protein (my favorites are chicken and steak, but I’ve also been known to make fish/shrimp or eggs, on a particularly lazy night) in tandem with getting showered and ready for bed. It’s pretty much mayhem, but if I can do it, so can you! Grill-pan prepared steak is doable and easy, curry chicken is delicious in a simmer pot, an omelette is SUPER fast (bonus for saute’ veggies first and mixed in)… honestly the possibilities are endless and actually tasty. I promise.

In Closing…


I know this is just sort of a rough overview, but honestly, nurtition and diet is a long-term project. One of the other big things I’ve learned is to not punish yourself or feel bad if you have a craving for something “unapproved”. If you decide to have “junk” for a few days, honestly, don’t beat yourself up about it! We all indulge in unhealthy food sometimes, but I think the most important thing to remember is that it. is. all. just. food. Don’t let it rule your life. Find tasty, healthy things that you love and enjoy them, whatever they may be. Let your diet *help* you meet your goals, don’t let it be your roadblock.


Feel free to comment here on my blog, or find me on Twitter @DokiDara.

By Dara Monasch

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