Learning All the Things
Mystery Veggies – What Can You Do With Them?
Food, Real Life

My adventures with Mystery Veggies so far have been pretty interesting! Here’s a quick synopsis of what’s been done so far:

1. Garlic Kale Chips

Of course I wasn’t thinking and I didn’t take a photo of these, but they were SUPER easy to make and once I figured out how long to cook them for, really tasty! The only caveat to that is that after a day or two they weren’t as crispy and yummy as when I first made them, so I highly recommend making batches when you want to eat them. They’re that easy, so really it’s not such a big deal. 🙂
Step 1: Wash Kale
Step 2: Rip Kale into Chip-Sized Pieces
Step 3: Spray Cookie Sheet with Pam
Step 4: Distribute Kale Chunks on Cookie Sheet
Step 5: Sprinkle Garlic Powder and Fresh Garlic Bits on Kale Chunks
Step 6: Bake for 9 Minutes on 350
Step 7: EAT!

Seriously. So. Good.

2. Minestrone with Collard Greens

For this one I had to go online because I’ve never used Collard Greens before. I never thought I’d say this, but thank you Martha Stewart for this delicious recipe – seriously, so good.

Martha Stewart’s Minestrone with Collard Greens

I did make a few changes: I added a liberal amount of garlic powder and additional red pepper flakes, because when I tasted it after the recommended 10 minute cook time, it was a bit bland to my palate. I *also* added some whole wheat penne, because, it’s minestrone! It needs noodles!

I even fed it to my super picky roommate and he ate all of it, so I’d consider this a success for sure.

3. Garlic Swiss Chard

Are you sensing a theme here? If so, good. I love garlic. Deal. With. It.

This was similar to the kale chips, except it was made in a pan with oil instead of baked, so it became a tasty side dish for Trader Joe’s Chili Chicken Lime Burgers.

4. Salad!

Ok, I know, this is obvious. However, I’m getting antsy that some of these veggies have been sitting around for too long, so I cut up the Romaine, Bib Lettuce and Radishes into a yummy salad, also on the side of the Chili Chicken Lime Burgers and Garlic Swiss Chard.

There you have it! I also ate the Snap Peas raw on my road trip on Friday, so those got eaten up already as well. Numbers 2-4 were a big meal all together, which was awesome. I also still have lots of soup left over, so I’ll be eating that tastiness for a few days still.


Feel free to comment here on my blog, or find me on Twitter @DokiDara.

By Dara Monasch

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