Learning All the Things
Manley Beach & Bondi Beach in 1 Day
Real Life, Travel

As a harbor town, tou can’t be in Sydney and not go to the beaches, right?


Well, my family isn’t always the most athletic bunch, nor were any of us really hyped up about going to the beach in the winter.

However! We couldn’t NOT go, so we decided to two-for-one it and do them both in one day. Risky? Probably. Worth it? Definitely.

Since we were staying in Circular Quay, we hopped on the ferry in the morning and jetted over to Manley beach to start. There’s a really adorable little main street from the ferry station down to the water, which we walked down rather quickly. Once we got to the beach, we turned right along the boardwalk and just strolled. I’d say we walked for almost an hour and a half all the way down to what we dubbed “Little Manley,” before turning around and heading back the way we came. The weather was about as perfect as it could be for a waterside stroll in July!

Once we got back to the main area, we started hunting for food, since it was around lunchtime. Mom was keen on heading into a restaurant, but Matt and I spotted a fresh seafood streetside shop. What do I mean? Well, basically the shop was displaying their fresh catches, and you could select an option off their menu and they would cook it right up for you! We managed to talk mom into the shop and ended up having a DELICIOUS luncheon, which ranged from grilled garlic jumbo shrimp to fried barramundi.

After that, we popped back across the harbor and jumped on a bus to get over to Bondi before it got dark!

We rode the bus a touch too far, but it ended up working out perfectly, because we were able to walk down the boardwalk exactly at sunset and watch the surfers at Bondi. bondi

We finally got to the little kiosks at Bondi, where we found my FAVORITE attraction of the day… the ice skating rink! I think this photo might be one of my favorites of the trip… how often do you see an ice skating rink with a beach in the background?!

Finally we finished our beach day and headed back towards Circular Quay and picked up some dumpings for dinner to round out our exciting beach venture.

Box. Checked.

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