Learning All the Things
14.1 – My First Ever Open Workout!
About DokiDara, Crossfit, Workout

The Crossfit Open.

When everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, in Crossfit, gets hyped up to basically take the annual Crossfit SATs. Every Thursday night a new workout is announced, and we all have until Monday at 5PM PST to complete it, with a certified judge, and log our scores online. Then we get ranked against everyone else in the world who has completed the workout. The top 60 competitors in each Region go to “Regionals” (creative, I know!) to compete against each other, with the top performers getting to go to the Crossfit Games in the summer in California.

Freakin’ cool.

Last year I was just a tiny on-ramper during the Open, so I didn’t compete and I honestly had no idea what was going on.

This year, my boxmate Kate encouraged me to register, even though I know I have NO chance of being a Regionals competitor. The bottom line of why I registered? It’s. Flipping. Fun.

I’m competitive. I want to see where I shake down with everyone else.

It’s $20.

Why. The. Flip. Not.

So on Thursday I watched the opening ceremonies, and the first workout? A 10 minute AMRAP couplet of 30 Double Unders and 15 Snatches (shoulder to overheads). OF COURSE IT’S DOUBLE UNDERS! I do not “have” double unders.

In conjunction with my knee still being wonky, DUs are something I haven’t done in several weeks. But… So what?

Today I went in for open gym and did my lifting taper work, and then cajoled my boxmate Tyler into doing 14.1 with me, since everyone else was already done. (Whoops.)


I won’t get into how each round went, buuuuut I will say that I did MUCH better with my DUs than I thought I would, stringing together 5-7 at each clip. I was really, really happy with that, so I’ll take that as a success. I did, however, hit my head with the bar on my first snatch rep, so I switched to C&J for the rest. Meeeep.

Final Score: 133. Holla.


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