Learning All the Things
I’ve Never Been So Happy to Be 162nd! <3
Olympic Lifting, Workout

After chatting with my coach today about a variety of things, I decided to try and get into my online USAW account. Why not, right?

So after encountering some weird technical issues, I finally got in (thanks, USAW tech support!) and was able to update my profile. After that, I decided to poke around the system, and I discovered that you’re able to toggle weight class rankings.


Whatever, right? I’d at least rather KNOW how far I have to go.

So I toggled the settings below… and check out what came up:



That totally happened.

It’s out of 252 but I honestly don’t care. That’s WAY better than I thought it ever would have been. 😀

Also, my brother told me today that he Deadlifted for the first time today.

Continuing on the trend of awesome days. <3

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